Award Winner Theme From

“The Hospital Room”

On The Screen At The Festival

Festival Pass

In 2018 the movie “The Hospital Room” was filmed on location in The Gardens, Monroe Township NJ.  The movie was written by Marv Siegel , produced and directed by Steve Besserman.  The cast and crew are residents of Stonebridge.  The sound track was recorded and edited by Steve Birnbaum.

Members of the Stonebridge Jammers created the original sound track for the movie.  The title track – Theme From “The Hospital Room” was entered and won a Laurels Award in The Garden State Film Festival Music Competition.  This Theme plays over the opening titles and closing credits. In the movie is also the Waltz from Sleeping Beauty, guitar break and sound effects all composed and performed by members of the Stonebridge Jammers.

Theme from “The Hospital Room” – Composed and performed by Alan Parness & Larry Weissblum

Waltz from Sleeping Beauty   – Performed by Alan Parness

Theme Guitar Break – Composed and Performed by Tom Mucher

Sound Effects – Composed and Performed By Ron Alvarado and Alan Parness

The 50 min movie The Hospital Room

The entry in IMDB

A shout out and thank you to everyone who participated in this production.